
Monday, April 27, 2009

Things that always with me

this is things that currently i always brought it wherever i go

wallet; penting sebab dalam wallet ade duit, IC dan lesen

kunci; penting la, klau korg kelua takkan tak nak kunci pintu? dan utk motor jugak! xD

jam; penting la , sebab mase itu emas. dan penting juga utk aku sebab mak aku bagi! hehehe...

thumbdrive; aku tak tahu kenapa aku selalu bawak, tp aku mmg kena bawa, tak tahu pasal pe..

earphone; aku mmg selalu bwk sebab aku selalu dgr lagu!

hurm, itu shje ttg barang yg aku suke bwk
that's all

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Favourite Sitcom

ha, inilah sitkom kegemaranku selama ini, macam mana aku boleh kenal sitkom ni?
aku kenal cerita ni melalui info. mula2 aku tgk info kt Astro, aku bukak la channel Hallmark 702, then perasan title The Nanny kat info, mula2 igt cerita The Nanny ni pasal nenek so tidak ada attraction la nak tengok. Then pada 1 masa, tertekan la channel Hallmark 702 ni dan cerita The Nanny tgh main

so, dah terlajak, tgk la. Then bila aku tnegok, The Nanny tu lawa, hahahaha! start dari tu aku attracted nak tengok lagi. Cerita ni mmg best, sesuai utk keluarga. Serius best, rugi sape tak tengok. Channel The Nanny ni kt Hallmark 702, dan On Air pada pukul 8 hingga 9 pagi, 6 petang dan 12 hingga 1 pagi.
watch it!

The Nanny

Fran Drescher:Fran Fine
Charles Shaughnessy:Maxwell Sheffield
Daniel Davis:Niles
Lauren Lane:Cee Cee Babcock
Nicholle Tom:Margaret
Benjamin Salisbury:Brighton
Madeline Zima:Gracie

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BeRADIKAL Sana Sini!

ya, hari ini pada tanggal 22 April 2009 bersamaan dengan, err...lpe lak
kau orang cari la sendiri, hehehehe xD
tepat pada pukul 8 pagi, aku dan Hood telah memulakan keRADIKALan kami di Institut Memandu SKEM atau nama panjangnya, Silap Korner Engkau Mati; bak kata Cikgu Hawa yang jaga motor kt SKEM

setelah sampai disana, kami bersarapan dahulu di kantin SKEM, ya makanannya sungguh enak dan berkhasiat. setelah habis bersarapan, kami memulakan latihan motor kami selama 1 jam di Litar SKEM yakni dalam fantasi kami, Litar Sepang! setelah habis berlatih, Hood dengan bangganya mengatakan;'Bro, aku sakit perut!' aduh, ketika itu, aku ada game badminton di Selayang Mall yakni dalam fantasi kami, Stadium Bukit Jalil!

setelah Hood berjaya melabur dengan banyak, kami meneruskan keRADIKALan kami di Selayang Mall. Yang sedang bermain badminton disana adalah Haziq;Team Manager RADIKAL, Herai-Sam; Bro Bulu, Kroll; Abang Kentut, Cuk; Hensem mcm Kacuk,Asyran; T1.26b, versi Terminator Malaysia tapi dalam pembinaan, Ikram; Tuan Pegawai IPD Gombak tapi yang tidak berkelayakan. Setelah sampai disana, kami telah memulakan perlawanan RADIKAL kami selama 3 jam tanpa henti, ya, sungguh best. Tepat pada pukul 1, kami telah habis perlawanan dan bercadang untuk makan di Ketapang, berhadapan Pasar Bintang tetapi malangnya, ia tutup. lalu kami berpakat ke Barakath Corner di rumah Hood. setelah sampai disana, kami memesan makanan lalu kami membuli Mamak dengan pesanan kami sampai kami pening apa yg kami order. Sepanjang makan itu, kami bercerita keRADIKALan sewaktu terikat dengan ajaran RADIKAL ini suatu masa dahulu. Kami masih mengamalkannya tapi hanya pada waktu tertentu. hahaha! selepas itu, RADIKAL diteruskan dirumah aku di Laksamana Puri, yakni sebuah Kondo yg mempunyai swimming pool. Setelah sampai disana, dengan bangganya, kami terjun ke dalam kolam yg indah lagi berseri dgn kulat haram! dgn ini telah tiba di penghujungnya, keRADIKAlan kami terhenti setelah semua orang kecut setelah berendam selama 45 minit di dlm kolam mandi, setelah itu, kami semua lepak dirumah aku sambil bertukar cerita yg hot dan baru

dgn ini;sekian,terima kasih

coretan tentang RADIKAL; created by Along ;author and owner of this blog

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lidahku berbelit membacanye...

ak amek ni dr post zafan
hahaha, best..klau bley ckp ni, konfm ckp english cm mat saleh

ok, say it out loud!

1. If you understand, say understand. If you dont
understand, say dont understand.But if you understand
and say dontt understand. How do I understand that you
understand? Understand!

2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,
but if you wish the wish thewitch wishes, I wont
wish the wish you wish to wish.

4 A sailor went to sea to see, what he could see.
And all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

5 Purple Paper People, Purple
Paper People, Purple Paper People

6 If two witches were watching two watches,
which witch would watch which watch?

7 I thought a thought.But the thought I thought
wasnt the thought I thought I thought. If the
thought I thought I thought had been the thought I
thought, I wouldnt have thought so much.

8 Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans.
Said a fellow to a fellow,If a fellow asks a fellow,
Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?

9.Mr Inside went over to see Mr Outside. Mr Inside
stood outside and called to MrOutside inside.Mr Outside
answered Mr Inside from inside and Told Mr Inside to
come inside. Mr Inside said and told Mr Outside to come
outside.Mr Outside and Mr Inside argued from inside and outside
about going outside or coming inside. Finally,
Mr Outside coaxed Mr Inside to come inside, then both Mr
Outside and Mr Inside went outside to the riverside.


11..The owner of the inside inn was inside his
inside inn with his inside outside
his inside inn.

12.. If one doctor doctors another doctor
does the doctor who doctors the doctor
doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is
doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor
doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
When a doctor falls ill another doctor
doctor the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring
the doctor doctor the doctor in his
own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor
doctors the doctor in the doctor way.

13..We surely shall see the sun shine shortly.
Whether the weather be fine, Orwhether the
weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or
whether the weatherbe hot, We'll weather the
weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like
it or not. Watch? Whether the weather is hot.

14..Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely .

15 .A flea and a fly in a flue Said
"the fly Oh what should we do" Said the flea
"Let us fly Said the fly Let us flee."So
they flew through a flaw in the flue

16..If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister
his tongue will be twisted as
tongue-twister twists tongues.

17..Mr. See owned a saw.And Mr. Soar
owned a seesaw. Now See saw
sawed Soar seesaw Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.Had
Soar seen See saw Before See sawed Soar seesaw,
Seesaw would not have sawed Soar seesaw. So See
saw sawed Soarseesaw.But it was sad to
see Soar so sore Just because See saw sawed
Soar seesaw.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jatuh, Jatuh, Jatuh!

jatuh jatuh jatuh!

Siapakah Ini?

ntah la, tp yg ak taw, ak syg dye!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Selepas Perhimpunan Agung UMNO dn selepas pemilihan untuk jentera baru parti, agak mengecewakan kerana Dato' Mukhriz tidak dpt mnjawat jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO...
ntah la, ak rse Dato' Mukhriz lebih berkelayakan dn lebih brpengalaman dr KJ...
seharusnya, sesiapa yg disabotkan dgn kesalahan disiplin dan politik wang, tidak seharusnya dibenarkan bertanding. Seharusnya, UMNO perlu lebih telus jika ingin menghapuskan rasuah dn politik wang. ini tidak, jika begini jdnya, boleh berkubur UMNO mcm ni..
Rakyat sdg melihat ape yg anda lakukan..
ak tidak memihak mna2..
tetapi lbh suka mnjdi pemerhati politik..kerajaan pembangkang seharusnya berkerjasama dlm membantu menghapuskan gejala ini...wahai pemimpin, pimpinlah rakyat mu dg betul dn telus, jgnlah hnya mementingkan kemewahan dunia, igtlah, di akhirat nti kmu yg akn mnjawab pertnyaan-Nya...