Fallacies of Relevance
1. Personal Attack (Ad Hominem)
This fallacy occurs when a claim or argumentist rejected by attacking the person character or attitude rather than the person's claim or argument. Most personal attacks follow the pattern:
1. X is a bad person.
2. Therefore X's argument must be bad.
dalam bahasa Melayunya, seseorang itu tidak menyerang pendapatnya tetapi menyerang karakter dan sikap orang itu.
contohnya; 1. A itu jahat
2. Maka pendapat A itu mestilah teruk
setakat faham kan apa yang diperkatakan? ok, faham bagos!
2. Attacking the Motive
This fallacy occurs when an arguer Criticizes a person's motivation for offering a particular argument or claim, rather than examining the worth of the argument or claim itself. Attacking the Motive follows the pattern:
1. X is biased or has questionable motives.
2. X's argument or claim should be rejected.
maksudnya, bila X itu berat sebelah dan menimbulkan persoalan motif maka hujah X harus tidak diterima. simple as this;
1. X itu berat sebelah dan menimbulkan persoalan motif
2. maka, hujah X harus tidak diterima.
3. Look Who's Talking (Tu Quoque)
When an arguer rejects another person's argument or claim because that person fails to practice what he or she preaches. Tu Quoque follows the pattern:
1. X fails to follow his or her own advice.
2. Therefore, X's claim or argument should be rejected.
maksudnya, mempersoalkan kredibiliti seseorang itu kerana dia hipokrit. contohnya;
Dr. Abu: Ali, awak kena berhenti merokok...
Ali: Cakap tak serupa bikin! Doktor berhenti baru saya berhenti...
setakat ini faham penjelasan dalam bahasa Melayu? faham, ok.
ok, selesai sudah part 1, akan ada lagi Fallacies yang mendatang, see you again!
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